
The Michlol Institute for Technology and Jewish Studies

Together on the mountain top of Maale Levona, the students of Michlol are insuring a brighter future for the Jewish people. While settling the Land of Israel, Michlol follows the wisdom of the Jewish sages who advise combining the study of a profession along with the study of ancient texts.

The Michlol Institute for Technology and Jewish Studies teaches professions in computers, electronics, teachers training and business management.

There are two programs: One is geared towards graduates of Yeshivot Hesder that already have combined their service in the Israeli army with Jewish studies. Another, Netiv Michlol, is geared towards post-high-school students just embarking on army service.

In addition to the formal programs, Michlol has welcomed new immigrants and offers a specific program for young men with limited background in Jewish studies.